Sunday 24 March 2013

Project One - Villa Savoye

Villa Savoye


Le Corbusier 

By Thomas Dean 
TO SEE ...

The Villa Savoye showcases Le Corbusiers early work, and his fascinating ability to combine such a raw geometric shape with the natural environment. Le Corbusier uses his 'Five points of Modern Architecture' which will be specified further on to affectively communicate his ideas and ambitions in this Villa. 
The following images and drawings depict my representation of Le Corbusier work on the Villa Savoye.

Plans, Section and Elevations 

The following drawings consists of my reinterpretation of Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye, representing my understanding with plans, a section and elevations.

Model of chosen section 

The following image are of a model I made to capture the most interesting section of the Villa Savoye. 

Part B: 


Part B of this project was more subjective and aimed at giving us an opportunity to express our understandings of the architecture in our selected buildings. We were all asked to relate the chosen part we selected in Part A with the whole and garden. My analyses can be seen below, a I chose to represent my understandings with the use of plans and axonometrics. 

 The second of my abstractions focused on the relationship between interior and exterior spaces within the Villa Savoye. At first I decided to break down this study in the three distinct levels, then make a study of the different levels of interior and exterior spaces. Secondly, I employed on of my observations about the height of the horizontal windows that extend around the entire middle level of the Villa Savoye and researched individuals interacting with these areas. 

 The final abstraction was based upon public and private spaces within the Villa and their relationship with each other. I decided to break down the Villa into two distinct spaces, one private and the other public. I used exploded axonometric's to communicate my ideas about this abstraction, which can be seen below. 

This concept model shows the view of what you could expect to experience in any room of the Villa Savoye, successfully bringing the surroundings into the interior of the Villa.  

This concept model shows a simple study of how the public and private spaces within the Villa interact.